Press service
The Department Press Secretary: Vasiliy Rulinskiy
Tel.: +7 (495) 911-72-97
E-mail: diaconia@yandex.ru
Mass media about us:
| Deep Freeze in Moscow |  The cold snap hitting Europe has killed hundreds of people, and it's taking its toll on Moscow. The Russian Orthodox Church helps to save homeless people. |
25.01.2011 | The Voice of Russia |
| Russian Church helps victims of terror act | On Tuesday, in St. Tatiana's church in Moscow's center, the Patriarch prayed for those who were killed in the terror act. The Moscow Patriarchy sent priests who had undergone special training in the Ministry of Emergencies and know how to work in similar situations |
| "Mercy Bus" winter antidote for homeless in Moscow | The Mercy Orthodox Church Charity provides a salvation for many homeless of Moscow. Crew of the Mercy vehicle give medical attention, help to keep the weakest warm and try to help some of Moscow's most helpless residents |
| Mercy for the homeless | The Mercy Orthodox Church Charity is an organization which provide for the homeless some food and equipment. The Mercy vehicle and its crew travel to the main railway stations every night trying to help them stave off the worsening winter's cold. They give medical attention, help to keep the weakest warm and try to help some of Moscow's most helpless residents |